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Old 10-22-2010, 09:11 PM
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Re: Realistic expectations management for Android on Touch Pro 2?

For me to use it full time, I would need the screen to actually turn off and such. I would also need my camera to work. I could always carry a separate camera, but its too convenient to just carry one device. I would also like to see all the files just be flashed onto NAND, meaning hot swappable SD's. I like the NAND install process that the Vouge has right now. You install a base Android ROM, and then you have your andriodinstall.gtz on your SD. From there, if you ever want to flash from a new update or a different Android ROM, all you have to do his press that button during the kernel startup to update. SenseUI would be nice, however not a necessity. Bluetooth isn't that big of an issue, when its done, sweet, if not, no big deal. MMS is also a nice option. Is that something that is kernel related or can some third party app be used to fix that? Last but far from least, is that I like to use my phone as an MP3 player when I'm working out. Ugh how I hate working out, but mandatory Military PT tests force me to... -_-; It would be nice to have the headphone jack working for music like pandora or something. That is what I do in WinMo atm...

Sorry, this thread just seemed like the ranting thread. By no means is this me complaining, this is just me giving my honest input into what I need for it to be my everyday OS. I would like to thank the Devs for the great work and dedication that is being put forward.

some things need fixed, great job guys

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