Originally Posted by meeklo062704
Are there any good wm 6.1 roms with manila 2.0? I sold my tp2 to my roommate when I got my evo, and I left him with a baked 6.5/2.1 rom. He keeps complaining about it being laggy, and I already deleted all of my old roms, kitchens, and sys files. Any links still out there or does anyone have a good bare bones rom floating around their hard drive?
Have you tried or consider overclocking using Oct 1.5?
I am currently using Energy's latest Cookie Classic "energy style" 21916 Oct 20th Rom. Runs great. Only problem I had so far is that when the data process(internet) is running the activesync icon shows up instead of the data icon and it overlaps the signal bars. Once you overclock, mine was set to 748.8Mhz(0 steps, 100 load max, 0 load min, 80 jump max, 3 jump min, 2000 interval), everything should run smooth. I tried the other overclocking tool but kept getting SOD(Screen Of Death) after a call.
Hope this helps solve the lag issue. There is very little support for 6.1 roms so I would suggest trying to stick with 6.5 or higher roms.