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Old 02-29-2008, 11:48 AM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins View Post
I agree with what you're sayin JD, you and many others are obviously on a higher level. Yes, taking someones elses kitchen, ROM & throwing in your favorite OEM's is not difficult at all, but for alot of ppl, even thats too technical. I would love to learn the ins & outs of dissecting a ROM, but my problem is time, just not enough time. Hell it takes me 2 hrs just to catch up & weed though posts here @ ppcgeeks. I have an extremely busy life, so searching for this info is half the battle. If I knew exactly where to find the info, it would save alot of here's my challenge, why not start a thread that has the links for those that want to learn. There's obviously alot of ppl that are wanting to take it to the next level, why not have a central thread, instead of scattering around the net.
I like the idea of a central thread, but I think the n00bs would infiltrate and start doing this 17234812037410234 threads on the same question (like they are already doing). I think the central thread would (sadly) become a lost cause.