Oh hell yeah, the Realook Screen Protectors are by far better than those cheap ones on Ebay. The Realook screen protectors look like there is nothing on there. I tried two from Ebay with bad rainbow effect and didn't feel that good to the touch.
I followed my previous method to install screen protectors which is as follows.
1. Make your bathroom steamy hot and turn off air conditioner.
2. Clean phone with cloth and make sure there is no dust or lint on the screen.
3. Remove both tabs of the screen protector leaving it fully exposed.
4. Run it through worm water and let it rest for a few minutes until most water dries.
5. Put protector on Phone from side to side not up and down which works better to align.
6. Then use the card to throw out bubbles and water out from both sides.
7. With a little more pressure than normal, use the cloth to press down on the screen while you clean it.
8. Once all visible bubbles and water is gone, set the phone up-side down for a few minutes.
9. Should turn out perfect at least it did on mine

10. Check it out but excuse the blurriness, pic was taken without flash.