Originally Posted by Jim8181
Tera, we need a suport group. It's late at night that gets me "jonesn" (is that a word?).
For me these days? Diet Tonic, lots of lime.. hold the gin! (a very very dry gin & tonic...) :>)) Gone are the T&T days... Yes, jonesn was part of my vocab for a long time! :>)) (no i've never had / needed to say your opening line... hi my name is..., luckily :>))
Originally Posted by huntnyc
Thanks for your great guides. Where can I get the rom you are running and thanks. Gary
Someone may have it uploaded somewhere... usually Dame (DatBioDame) has them uploaded somewhere if you PM him... I see NO difference at all in downloading the 682 cookie 2 on hotfile right now... (I don't use gtx, dinik..etc., plain cookie)
I'd love to do it & use a 28 or 32 pp OR ZERO...
need a report from friedMJ to see how he likes it today...
I'm just not going through all the hassle anymore for a simple OS upgrade.. all summer the MSOS sucked so bad I couldn't wait to get off it.. Now things are just about perfect.. personally will wait for cmonex NK & Cookie 2 final for my next flash.. then I'm done (again) :>))
So, my 2 cents? DL & install the one I mentioned (on hot file now), look @ my howto guide in my sig for details on setting page pool & the download link if you don't have it.... what cabs & stuff I run if you want... also how to get 120MB free RAM, etc.. Skip down to steps IV. and past if you're an experienced flasher. ~nice sig btw
*edit* ha! just noticed your screen name... "hunt" NYC?! .. now upstate I understand, but in the city? :>) (bedbugs & rats come to mind... but don't mean to insult anyone :>))))
If you have any issues, post here, someone will help... I'm grabbing my shotgun & heading out hunting right now... kids teachers conf..., back maybe Fri night maybe... so if someone asks me a Q & no answer i'm not blowing you off... later