Originally Posted by docnas
Um nate im a lurker more than a poster as i dont like to bother people with questions that have been asked before so i read the threads and search but im gonna have to ask whats this .35 kernel i regularly go thru the irc logs and see so many references to .35 fixing this and .35 fixing that but have no idea whats the deal with it can u explain a little or point me to where i can read about it? Thanks!
Sure thing. 2.6.27 is the linux kernel we are currently using. 2.6.35 is the linux kernel the devs would love to get working on our devices. It would solve a lot of common problems and allow for much cleaner code. It also would give them a solid 2+ years of kernel improvements in one easy package.
I'm not really sure how feasible it is or if they are just messing with it to see how far they can get. That's one of those things Jonpry, ACL, and Phh would have to answer for you