Originally Posted by str8edgepunker
Okay, I have modified the latest PRL 52031 (naming it 52031m) to get rid of that roaming indicator so here it is. Let me know if it works for you. It is not meant to be a replacement for what others have done, nor do I know if I truly did it correctly so use it at your own risk.
I originally got it through a *228 OTA update and downloaded it from my phone through QPST Service Programming by reading the data from the phone and then saving it to file. It will give you 2 files, the one with the .rl0 is the PRL file that you need. I then followed the directions from http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/htc-vogue-...ated-prls.html, replaced them by hand (which took forever, there are over 800 entries!) and loaded it into my phone. While my roaming indicator is now gone, it may not work for you so try it and let me know.
Thanks for doing this - it's a pain in the neck. I had a program mostly written to do those changes, but that laptop got stolen...sigh.
Anyway, is this PRL for Prepaid or Nationwide?