"cmonex did a really nice job! Her patch switches off certificates and digital signatures check.
Every time any exe or dll starts - the system first check the digital signature of the file than it starts the file. It normally takes system time. More powerful the device - less you can detect that - but I did the benchmarks for myself and I saw that clearly. On the weak devices (like my former P525) - the difference - just incredible.
Anyway it's up to users - use the patch or not. I confirm that device with patched nk works faster."
"i prefer the NK.exe patch, because it is faster (no need to waste CPU time on dispatching the call from NK through filesys into certmod)."
* from a previous post by teradog
Im sorry about bringing it up again just that it seems like something that will really make our phones faster but my question is are energy roms prepatched? or do we have to patch it and if we do then how?