Re: [ROM] Myn’s Warm TwoPointTwo - [RLS 2 - 10/15/2010] - Have It Your Way *NEW*
Originally Posted by mkc90
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I would redownload a fresh copy of the rom, wipe , and reinstall it again!.
That happens in some roms also last night i was trying to flash another rom. It didnt let me go to recovery it was a pain in the a**. This has happen to me 2 timea not with this rom tho. But it happens to anybody make sure u try to go to recovery manually if it doesnt work. Try amon ra recovery process its at the bottom of the rom manager. Try to do nandroid first and install another rom. And then try to install the new rom you want to use.
i'll try it and see what happens.. thanks for the info
I'm forced to use this crap until WP7 gets released on sprint