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Old 10-19-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: Official Favorite cabs Thread

Originally Posted by praetorian63 View Post
if you have a existing device / account, just do a web signup it's free and does not count as a second device.
What I found out was that after I installed the cab, it worked just fine for about a week or so & then all of a sudden it wouldn't load my user name/password.

I went to the Sirius website itself & tried to log on & a message came up asking me to contact their representative. I called Sirius & found out that I needed to pay a $2.99 a month charge to have the internet service. I asked when did this come into effect because up until just recently I hadn't had to pay & I understood it to be free, especially buying the lifetime subscriptions on (2) radio. I was never told that the app for the iPhone & Droid all need to purchase the $2.99 a month premium services.

I'm not 100% sure but it sure did seem like a coincident that after I installed the cab & tested it to see if it worked on my phone (it did w/Howard's Channel streaming), Sirius somehow is able to capture you're streaming from a phone app vs. streaming fromt the internet itself which apparently is 100% free.
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