Originally Posted by WanderingMinstrel
Looks cool, Darren.
Makes me wonder. I'm two weeks away from an Epic on my Sprint contract upgrade. What do you think? Should I hold out for one of these -- if they ever come to Sprint? I'd follow your advice about anything PPC.
love my epic and im not going near a sprint wp7 device for awhile cause the first phone looks chitty to me (7 pro) but at&t has the surround which im looking hard at and gonna play with one for a week in november but im not a gsm fan period. imo get the epic till sprint drops something worth spending 500clams on.
heres at&t's line up so far, surround even has Yamaha slide out speakers plus 16g card like epic does which i love outa the box.
AT&T Releasing Its WP7 Lineup