Originally Posted by tomc585
I spoke to soon, back to the "No Service" again. It's booting up in Airplane mode and when I try to toggle it off it attempts it then reverts back. Tried booting using Haret.exe from the sd card and the Project Android icon. What should I be choosing in device selection? I tried Rhod500 and Tilt2 with the same results. Thanks, Tommy.
You should be choosing Rhod400 if it's a Sprint TP2 but I believe that choosing that is only related to the keyboard layout. Are you clicking on the cdma box in advanced settings? You need that to have internet connection IIRC. Or if you're using a manual startup.txt you need to change a 0 to a 1 after cdma. Boot back to WM, make sure you're checking off the appropriate boxes in advanced and let it boot again to android and let us know what happens.