statements like:
Originally Posted by gTen
We know how good it will be performance wise based on the HD2 port
Originally Posted by gTen
because I'm pretty sure it can overclock to the same speeds the current one
convince me you don't know what your talking about. Even if you did have benchmarks of wp7 running on an HD2 it wouldn't mean squat because its a port! Moreover, when comparing different processors (like first gen snapdragons to second gen) directly comparing the clock speed to determine the performance is about as accurate as comparing the size of car engines for performance. The second gen's are actually equal the performance of the first gen. You are right however about the gpu's being better, however M$ is providing drivers for WP7 so we wont have to put up with HTC's terrible drivers anymore.
Originally Posted by gTen
By having a subpar GPU and M$ policy would mean that games would have to be smooth on these lower end chipsets reducing the quality of the games.
I simply don't understand why people keep making this point about WP7; considering this bottom line for developers is significantly and undeniably higher than any other smartphone platform including Android and iOS.
But Finally: I'm waiting for the 3rd gen Snapdragons!!! dual core 1.2ghz!!! and 2/3 the power consumption of the first gen!!!!! will be in devices summer 2011!!!