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Old 10-17-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: Any TP2 Converts Here?

I would have bet against me ever going to a google OS phone but here I am. This speaks volumes about how badly MS has handles their mobile products. Many of us have been screaming at MS for years to pull its head out but MS never listened to the users. The experience was always "clunky" on PPCs no matter the hardware, which was weak in itself.

Microsofts efforts can be summed up in the entire "Close" fiasco. Nearly everyone I know used a 3rd party memory mgt app to control open apps but MS never gave in to its users demands and the vociferous screams that MSs auto memory mgt sucked bad since the beginning.

All in all the transition to Android has been fairly easy and the experience is much more elegant than any CE device I used. The OS lends itself well to a Phone unlike Win Mobile that always seemed as though the phone was just added on as a second thought. Everything jsut works better together.
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