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Old 02-29-2008, 12:09 AM
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Re: Sprint Denies PPC customers from sending picmail

Originally Posted by Viros View Post
Yeah, but the point I'm trying to make is that we need to start getting people a little higher-up than customer service reps to hear about this problem. CSRs won't be able to really do anything to help. On top of that, when they DO make recommendations, nobody in the company is really gonna listen. Someone a little higher up might have their recommendations and inquiries taken a little more seriously.
I sent the email to 2 directors and a VP. I have connections. They won't be able to fix the issue. The only people that can fix it is the people that changed it. Calling and talking to exec svcs is the best option. Cathy Walker gets updates on those. If there are enough complaints she will look into it. It is really the best way.

Originally Posted by kbcherry View Post
I don't want to beat a dead horse here, because I really don't care. I left Sprint for AT&T last month. Gladly paid the ETF for two lines. It wasn't because of this issue, but it certainly didn't help. It was mainly because Sprint has been telling me for years that they would have EVDO in my area and they are still the only carrier without 3G coverage here. But anyway, I agree some what with what you have said. Don't buy a phone that doesn't do what you want. By the same token, maybe Sprint shouldn't be allowed to sell me stuff that they can't provide. I bought a 700WX a year ago (my first WM phone) and the rep told me it would do NFL Mobile, Sprint TV and Picturemail. If I look hard enough I can still probably find hardcopy ads showing this. I mean they were out there advertising that the phone was capable of stuff it wasn't. But since they hold all of the chips they can get away with it. Its pretty sad really.
I don't blame you for leaving for lack of 3G. I would too. I don't ever remember them advertising that phone of such features but that has been a while. If they actually did then they should have refunded you for the phone. I understand that this is a little late but usually they right such mistakes.
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator (Brandon Smith)

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