You can get Swype working on QVGA and others, it just requires the right theme. I have Swype working with a OEM package I made for PPCk (something I plan on releasing once my custom ROM is out). Find a Swype cab (like 3.10.10 or 3.22.22) and then use the theme by Baly23
found here. It works just fine on my Touch Pro Vogue.
The key to Swype is learning how to use it properly, something that only finally occurred to me a few days ago. First watching the built in tutorial is important! Second is to disable WM 6.5's suggestion engine (Start > Settings > Personal > Input. Then Click the > to "Word Completion" and uncheck "Suggest words when entering text."). I also recommend going into Swype options and disabling its word suggestion... which you will understand why in a min.
To make words like "good" or "letter" you need to roll your finder in a circle over the double letter you want to make. Also, you can "bounce" along the keyboard (instead of going directly between letters) to make sure you don't get a ridiculous amount of suggestions (if still turned on). To add apostrophes, run your finger next to the period/@ button when you want to enter it.
Now, just hammer out what you want to say quickly, then double tab any words that didn't come out right to get Swype's suggestions, then correct the word in question. After you get really good at this, you probably will get far less suggestions... but I just say turn them off completely and manually get them as needed. I can hammer out text messages as insane speeds, and that's just a day's worth of improvement after making adjustments to the settings.
I hope this will get more people trying Swype. It really is awesome, but you can use it in several different ways.