Re: Will Android's audio ever rival an iPod?
After a long ride home, I think I can sufficiently characterize the problem.
A bass drum is typically recorded into two main tracks, one being the triggered track that is the "click" sound you hear, and the other is the actual bass drum, which produces a "boom." The problem with a lot of old recordings is the bass drum was a mere vibration, which led to the insertion of the audible "click" to allow the listener to actually hear the individual clicks, while experiences the overall "boom."
My problem is that while the click is perfectly reproduced and audible, the boom is hollow and has no depth, and actually ends up sounding like a click. It actually sounds like kicking a cheap wooden door. Playing the same song (same file even) through an iPod produces the boom at full depth, which leads to vibration, whereas playing it through my Epic makes it sound like a hollow kick and that my speaker is going to break.
Therefore, this leads me to believe the Epic is incapable of reproducing quality, undistorted low end. I hope this makes sense, I've been having a hard time actually putting this into words.
So...hardware or software limitation?