Originally Posted by ca2l3vin
Honestly I think its a Near perfect device. Its still a mm less thick then the current TP2. From the speed ive seen on WP7 the OS wont really need a faster processor as of yet. There is already talks of sprint pulling a T-Mobile and springing for a 16GB model.
What people are afraid is they get this and 31 days later they release a better one with the new chipsets...since the new better chipsets are already out and in phones.
The screen size is the same as the Original TP2 which to me is just fine (most people cant tell the difference till you get to a 4" Display and to me the facinate and epic are hard to pocket.) The screen still tilts and the device has weight to be able to sit the device down with it tilted without it falling over dispite its HUGE keyboard layout.
How does a TP2 fit and a fasciante doesn't? A fascinate is only a few millimeters wider but 2x thinner...so it should generally fit :/