Originally Posted by Jim8181
As far as adding a contact quick link, this is what I found. I think it has potential, but I have a hard time saving the "call" file in a place where I can retrieve for the program to work. From XDA (about half way down under Advanced Functions):
Here is a really cool program that will automatically create the contact links:
oldsap created a simple application to automate all of this."
thanked... re. oldsap, works perfect, got this running a couple hours ago, but didn't have time to write it up before had to run, THANKS TONS you saved me the effort, I'm sure others can benefit as well.
I save the .lnk files it creates to the same place on my SD card as I save all my .lnk files, under \backup\lnk files, which has 3 directories programs installed on my storage card, other backedup lnk files & windows directory .lnk files. On every reflash I copy those 3 into \windows\start menu\programs.
You can also simply put the dialer in the exec blank & put the phone number in the parameters blank, but then you have to recreate them every flash, like oldsap's better!