Originally Posted by themuffinman
Edit: On a side note, it sure is quiet in here. I wonder when the next omj release will be?
I'm still around, havent been working on a new ROM though.....besides removing some of the apps discussed, I don't see much of a need to update, there's not much new out there.....maybe I'll fire up the kitchen today
Originally Posted by jamal33
looking for the stock kernel that came with OMJ Rom.. i originally had it but flashed netarchy over it but not happy with bat life. it's a bit confusing out there with so many different kernels floating around and so many different stock variations ( at least i think there is)
could someone help....would like to keep OMJ rom but would like to go back to stock kernel.
yeah I've been trying the netarchys #11 the past few days, battery seems to be much worse for me too.