Originally Posted by mavblues
Is there a way to save the favorites shortcuts that are thumbnailed on the internet page so they can be restored after a new flash?
I have my regular internet favorites saved, but I haven't figured out how to save the thumbnailed links.
The thumbnails are stored in \Windows\Thumbnails but I've never tried to save them before flashing and copying them back. (I read way back on pocknow.com how you can replace the thumbnails with your own file but it seemed kinda complicated). However, copy/paste may work.
Originally Posted by teradog
You have the lastest one? August update?!
LOL, lets just call it Ultimate Icon Panel... we can even give it an acronym.. "U.I.P. home screen replacement".
I'm dead serious, if it had a different name we'd probably have a "Home Screen Replacement Menu Switch" built into the Energy ROM!!!!
If we did have a switch like that, here's what I'd prefer in order:
1. UIP HSR (iphone today)
2. 681 cookie 2
3. 681 sencity
I'll have to disagree, I'm not a fan. Love the RAM savings but I love the look of NRG's regular menu more! It's a tradeoff between the hot chick with some minor issues vs. the boring and ugly bookworm girl
Now that Cookie2 gives you an option to display RAM usage as an icon, I can just keep an eye on it and soft reset as needed. I find that if I reset in the morning, I'm good for the rest of the day.