Originally Posted by Hypnotic2010
Ok, so I'm confused as to what your trying to do. What's not working? If you type busybox before the command, the command works right?
Well most things seem to work. The only thing that doesn't work right is the batch mode of titanium backup. Every other rooted app seems to work fine.
What doesn't work is any command typed in terminal mode / adb shell. When I bring up the term prog I get: (before I type anything)
$ export PATH=/data/local/bin:data/data/com/protocol.x.su.fbs/bin:$PATH;clear;clear: permission denied
To my untrained eye, it looks like su (superuser) is trying to do something that is not working.
Anyway to answer your question, everything works execpt for commands in term / adb shell term mode. Every command is answered with "permission denied".
I am an idiot, noob and have very little working knowledge of this, so please bare with me and my stupidity!