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Old 10-14-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by jortiz12885 View Post
ok so just so i dont make a mistake, i have booted into android already thru nand, but what i did was in the andboot folder the latest 9-28-10 theres already a tar.gz module file (modules- should i keep that there and just add the one [ACL-HW3D+BATT] (modules- There should only be one module file in the andboot folder correct? Right now is working by just having the module from the first post but wifi is no working.
I fixed up the first post yesterday somewhat, and I'll get it cleaned up a little more today after I get some testing done. You will want to download the latest NBH and modules file from the autobuild page. I have a feeling ACL will have to change the modules to have the build version included, but I'm just now getting a chance to flash the new NBH. I'll be reporting back shortly.

Crap. Same issue as I had before. Freezes on the animation screen the first two times, and this third time the animation has been going for about 20 minutes...

Last edited by natemcnutty; 10-14-2010 at 05:27 PM.
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