Hello all, my name is Corey, this is my first post this forum.
Ive never flashed a phone until yesterday, it was my first, and I know what your all thinking...o gawd heres another noob with a dumb question, well thats not the case.
I just wanted to tell you guys and gals that are working on the htc mogul fully flashed to cricket that I did flash a HTC mogul/titan/ppc6800 myself with the info I found on this forum without even registering. Credit goes to( I see you all are big on giving credit where it is due so im not skipping that part.)
whitey10tc, and Ryan Moguls pst tut.
I followed the guide started with
whitey10tc write up, and followed it to a T. Did not although flash his custom rom, I stayed with the stock rom. The unlocking and everything is all you really need. Then I followed Ryan Moguls pst settings guide to a T and matched all settings. Worked perfectly. the PRL file loading threw me for loop for a while until I figured out how to find and download them and load them. Then I loaded the custom rom with no problems.
I just wanted to say thanks to you guys for instuctions.
whitey10tc, you could have been a little more specific on exactly how to load and flash roms as that took me a while to figure out.
Im not saying i followed the instructions within the lines, I had to make some changes along the way, for instance some how my active sync ( not diag) usb drivers got messed up and I could not easily transfer files to my mogul so instead I uploaded the neccissary files to filedropper.com and downloaded them with the mogul through my wifi connection on the browser. Sure it took longer but it was the best solution I could find.
whitey10tc on your instructions to install the vista 32 bit usb drivers without an installer confused me, I had to no idea what to install them as and or to update them to. So I used a self installer of HTC Usb drivers. Probably where I messed up to force me to the wifi. Diag mode worked no problem but regular active sync was gone.
Anywho, following the instructions while having to go around a few things i managed to fully flash the phone, Calls, incoming and outgoing, SMS, MMS, Email, and full data work great. I told cricket it was Motorola V3M( I think i got that right ) and Voila! Although I never got a succesfull *228 it still worked somehow. Im guessing the correct PRL file and and PST settings have something todo with that.
I found most necissary files on google search, and from reading,reading,reading. Either way unlike most noobs I didnt immediately open a new thread complaining how im confused or lost or ask a question than has been answered a million times already on this forum. Youtube helped...some...not alot. but I also resourced that.
So for all you noobs out there like me, it is possible todo without having somone hold your hand all the way through the process. Just read, double check and read some more. The info is here, use it.
I hope my constructive critisism is ensightfull to
whitey10tc and Ryan Mogul, other than those small complaints and 13 hours straight of working on it reading over and over, I got it thanks to you guys.
Now here is something a little off subject. Im wanting to embark on my next project which is fully flashing a HTC Hero to cricket. Any ideas on where to start would be nice where as the the hero doesnt seem to be as popular on here as other phones.
Thanks again, Corey.