Originally Posted by rhyler
I have tried it overclocked, not overclocked, with haret, with update utility, and can reproduce almost every time. This last go around, turned volume down for in incall > volume went down > turned volume up > volume went up > turned down > speaker phone turned on ultra loud > phone locked up > android rebooted > call still active.
Last go:
10/10 not overclocked
loaded by Haret
nothing extra installed, basic, fresh formatted 16 GB card.
Hrm. Seems we definitely had a regression... I'll keep at it and try to recreate it. I've definitely had the speaker phone turn on loud when just messing with the volume & Android would reboot to the boot animation with the call still running. Very odd behavior.
I'm not sure if it's due to our incomplete RIL or if this is an actual regression. I've never had good luck with Android & voice calls unfortunately.