Originally Posted by nreeldeep
So basically while HTC, Apple and MOtorola have ads that show the various features of their devices, samsung is content to repeatedly produce the same commercial showing only one feature of the galaxy, that it plays movies, as if no other advice does this.
it's no wonder that evo, iPhone and Droids remain hard to find yet every outlet has an abundance of Epics for sale.
Why did it not sell out at launch like evo did? Hell, epic's lil brother Instinct sold out on launch day. Why did it not freeze the system on launch day like evo did? why is Hummingbird/super amoled still heavily in stock? Hmm...
Maybe we should ask pcworld.
First of all these are Sprint commercials, not Samsung. (my guess is they get commission of media hub and trying to emphasize it)
iPhone sold out due to huge demand, Evo sold out because HTC could not manufacture a lot of devices. Droid I don't think ever really sold out..not because it didn't sell just Motorola supplied them fast enough.
Lastly all 3 had HUGE amount of promotion on the devices...Epic got 0 promotion..if it sold, it was not because of commercials but people liking the phone.
Originally Posted by orangekid
I don't get it, you guys are talking as if the Epic is the developers dream device and the Evo is just like an iPhone or something, when it's the other way around.
Weren't you telling us before how much you can do with a jail broken iphone
The Epic is for the more "simple" user, whereas the Evo has so many more custom ROMs, custom kernels, and things you can do with it. Can you make the Evo look like an Epic? Of course! but why would you?? Touchwiz is like the ugliest UI Android has ever seen.
Epic comes out good out of the box, but it does not subtract from its "Value" as a device you can tweak. True, you have more custom roms and kernals as the Evo has been out longer and more people are familiar with HTC tweaking. That said in the short amount of time Epic came out the kernals we have are better then the Evo..like 1.3ghz-1.4ghz overclocking while using up same energy. As for TouchWiz...its not that horrible...I'll tell you this Motoblur is uglier 100%...The thing about TouchWiz is it does not offer many preinstalled widgits like sense ui does.
Can you put Sense on the Epic? Not going to happen? But why would you want to, when you have all of those awesome crazy squares and ugly colors and useless touchwiz widgets?
Its not impossible..just not to many care about Sense ui to have it as a priority for developers...
Is there a really good Nexus port on the Epic running 2.2 yet? How about a Desire HD or Desire Z or Lexikon ROM?
Would you call CyanoganRom 6.1 a good port? Its not public yet though..but they got it to boot.
Oh that's right the Epic has Super AMOLED, because I use my phone inside so much more than outside, where you can't even see the screen! But not really, because when I'm inside I'm on my computer or HDTV.
Super AMOLED works outside just fine.
Honestly I like the Epic, it's a sweet phone, but I wouldn't try to make it into some phone that "smart people" use because if you really wanted to modify your rig, I'd tell you to get an Evo any day of the week.
you don't say....