Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
yet most of US, myself included, keep buying HTC devices though.. why is that, a know? lol
Cause people don't buy HTC for HTC, they buy HTC for the community behind them..but if HTC pulls things like on the G2 and etc that might change...
Originally Posted by kern417
Random Question, besides for the software difference which do you guys prefer: Pro7 or Lexikon? I really like the 5 row keyboard and faster processor but I really don't think I can live without an SD card (if that part is true about the Pro7 not having one) and it looks like the keys on the Lexikon are better spaced out
it seems like we can never have it all in 1 phone 
Lexikon's processor is not slower...it is 800mhz BUT its 45nm and has a better GPU. (its a 2nd generation snapdragon) so its on par or maybe slightly better then the 1st generation 1ghz snapdragon..that said WP7 is not coming to Verizon for a while...
Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
in this case the spec cant lower, the PRO barely meets the minimum requirements to even run WP7... to me thats why it sucks(as is)...
"hey im MS and HTC, lets create and market a brand new OS.. Lets make minimum requirements so people cant complain about it being slow.. Hey, i know, lets make the phone 'just barely' meet said requirements..yeah thats it, thas what we'll do"
They are probably doing it so that they can later on sell slightly upgraded hardware..but playing that "minimum" game is what killed wm in the first place

..I mean entering into a market where most flagship phones are 1hz is not going to wow people with specs >.>