Wow, thanks for the all the help. You hit the nail on on the head with your edit there Quick. I am running the cookie version of energy, sense 2.5 from Sep. 29th. I did try posting both of those questions in the energy thread, but each time the threads were buried before anyone could answer. I really appreciate the help, and I apologize for seeking out support from the general tp2 public
The bubbles I was talking about seem to be the default sms threading when I go to the "messages" icon on the slider (HTC SMS). It seemed slow, and I didn't like the send button placement. When I found the other "messaging" application that instead uses the blue and green headers, with the huge send button for your left thumb, I made that the default for my messages. Now when I click on the messages quicklink on the home screen (my notification icon for messages in cookie) it goes to messaging, but opens with the "Select an Account" screen, where I have to select SMS/MMS to see my messages every time. Why the extra step? I found the option to turn off the account selector all together, but then when I click on the same messaging quicklink on the home screen, it only occasionally goes to my SMS/MMS box. Whenever I go to check my email (via the mail notification on the homescreen), then later click on the messages quicklink to go to SMS/MMS, it goes back into the email inbox, even though I just clicked on the messages icon. It's like it follows where you've been. Either way, I'd like my messages quicklink to go straight into SMS/MMS inbox every time, is that possible or do I just have to always click on SMS/MMS?
On the vibration tip, I guess I never adjusted the sound and display sense setting. I was looking at the Start>Settings>Sounds & Notifications ringer setting where it said "ring". After looking at the sense setting, it was set to "other". Now my phone finally doesn't vibrate off my desk when it rings, Thanks again for the help!