Originally Posted by Sabroso
Thanks as always O.a.T.
I'm totally an unfamiliar in the cooking a ROM process,
but only a simple thought.
When you cook "Twitter TAB" in the ROM, Do you need to make "regedits" to set that TAB appear as TAB after flashing? It is the case perhaps the "directory address" or the "kind" (dword, string, etc) of values used to set the settings are not correct with this SYS216xx? Sorry my poor English.
I denote(point in) this because I remember had problem when making a regedit
to make Google Maps use "aGPS" instead of "Real GPS" antena, I use the incorrect "kind" of value for "1" and that make the change doesn't apply.
Sorry if it is a completely rookie question, THANKS for your great WORK!!!!!
In the past all of the regedits that are necessary have been built into the ported vga packages. When I was looking for help on XDA, no one mentioned anything about new regedits needed and no one is having problems with it showing up like me. And since abrasive did the 2018 port as well as the 2019 port, and I had no problem with 2018, I assumed he did it the same way. Finally, I looked at the tab control manila file and it looked correct. Still, if I have problems on my next go at 2019, I will look into that. But I still figure I have to ensure that I have a good sys.
As an aside, I was "bad" today and took my phone down today for about 15 minutes to flash 2016/21681 w/RSS. It is rocking!
Haven't done any real performance or battery tests, but it is at least as fast and smooth as 2016/21679 and I'd expect the same for battery efficiency. I could post this alone and with MaxSense if there is any interest. LMK.
Gracias por la sugerncia.