ok first flash after xda uc was finished and soft reset i couldn't get to boot again,let sit for 30 min.,soft reset same thing,2nd flash i got all set up and used cht editor and shit got all mucked up something seriously,no mods installed pertaining to manila changes..........all i could get on the homescreen after that was a white box in top left corner,3rd flash all went well except it will not allow me to install any cab,doesn't ask whether to install to device or storage card,just fills the loading meter and says installation unsuccessful,tried after multiple soft resets same thing............im having a shitty day so im chalking this up to a crappy dl/flash or something...........never once have i had any kind of issues on your roms yet alone anything like this
gonna download again and try again,and yes i task29 before every flash!! while i had it working it was the shizzle!!
so in saying that i will post a successful rom flash result later...........lol