Originally Posted by geejdee
Japper88, What are you using to overclock? I'm on 21681 Cookie 2.0 and wanted to give it a try... and a little bit on your setup would be helpful...tks..so far so good..
I just use 2 below attached cabs.
You just need to install both then softreset.
Then in programs/tools you should see 2 thing:
msm7kcpu speed
OC Auto_v4.21_GUI
dont overclock with the first one, use it just to see your current speed
just open OC Auto_v4.21_GUI and follow the prompts (softreset required at the end)
i set the safemode and throttle mode at 604 and my overclock speed to 787.
but the best overclock speed varies for people.
the setup I uses gives the phone a short period of time after a softrest (safe mode) so it gives you a minute or 2 to change the speed before it really kicks it into overclock.
I take no credit for the cabs I got them from another thread.