Simple answer: NONE, it's all built right into the ROM's!!!
I gave you my opinion & how to select the different ones in red over the last 2 pages... but, that's only my opinion, you may have a different one!! And that's what makes NRGZ28 so awesome!!! He's cooked in all of these!!!
Read this..
... and this here:
"Start Menu Layout Switch (SMLS): start(winkey), settings, start menu layout switch
Normal: 73 MB free *
default with NRG's great signature startup menu
List View: 72 MB free
Panel: 97 MB free *** MY FAV BY FAR
CSM: 95 MB free (settings, startmenu layout)(Compact Start Menu... quick menu w/ mods)
Sense: 97 MB free (EITHER start(winkey), settings, other, SMLS OR slider to settings"
I use / like the 680 cookie2 (no dinik or GTX), using Panel Startmenu. Like it better than Quick menu(CSM) even.
IF YOUR ROM IS "CORRUPT".... (and it may be but probably not..)
..going to pop you over 100 rep for that one kris812... your rep doubled in 2 hours... :>))