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Old 10-08-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [10/04] BATT UPDATES!

Originally Posted by i_m_jughead View Post
I assume when you say the 3.5 code was reenabled is the 3.5mm headphone jack....
I have sprint tp2 and i tried to use headphones with then new kernel with no success....
is there any thing special i have to do to get it working
I assume the same snd_force that you had to use before to enable it...

Originally Posted by twobeaglesjtj View Post
As with the last 2 new kernel releases, on the 10/7 kernel, I lose wifi connectivity(says "error" when trying to connect), and still have issues with incall volume. I always revert back to the test kernel 5 and then everything works correctly again....I am on a rhod500 TP2 on Verizon......It seems to me there is still an issue with the new kernels playing nice with the rhod500....Any one else seeing similar issues on rhod500?????
Did you ever PM ACL? I was talking to him on IRC yesterday, he never heard from you. Unless we get some debug information from you dude, there's not a whole lot we can do since other RHOD500 users are just fine - natemcutty is one of 'em.
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