Sorry guys for not updating the rom here... I updated at xda...
I'm still working on things and I've only put up a beta version of the rom up there.
Im skinning everything so that people who uses all of the htc apps will have everything skinned.
I will probably have a non beta version of the new rom by the end of the weekend and hopefully a version with red highlights also by then.
Skinning is a bitch... I re did like 3000 images if not more, not to memtiom converting some images that are not in color to black and while and optimized the png's using pngout and optipng so that they will really be as small as they can be.
Also, new window animations will be added.(I got 4 to choose from, not sure which one yet)
Anyways... will have something solid up soon.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

If you like my work feel free to buy me some pencils
