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Old 02-28-2008, 12:26 PM
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Bug in Touch Keyboard

Caused by one of the three Danish letters not working correctly I looked into the functionality of the Touch Keyboard and the Keyboard.

The problem is as follows - due to display problem for Danish letters many places, let's pretend it is the 'o' not working:

Entering a sentence like 'Looking forward to solving the problem.'
becomes: 'ooLking ofrward ot oslving the oprblem.'

The "problem" letter is placed at the beginning of the word it is in. The two other Danish letters work fine.

With respect to the two keyboards, I found that:

Entering Options for input sets Touch Keyboard back to XT9 - no matter whether it is the active input method or not and no matter whether any changes is made in the Options tabs.

Settings on the Options/Word Completion tab have no effects - no matter whether HTC Keyboard is set to XT9 or abc.

Setting the Touch Keyboard to abc disables the black word completion bar for both the Touch Keyboard and the Keyboard - also if Word Completion is selected on the Options/Word Completion tab.

With Touch Keyboard set to abc, and thus no word completion, the third Danish letter works without problems on the Keyboard.

With Touch Keyboard set to XT9 typing the third Danish letter does not work on the Keyboard.

Typing with the Keyboard while the Touch Keyboard is set to abc (third letter working) adds words with the third letter to the dictionary. Turning the XT9 on the Touch Keyboard back on and using the Keyboard, 'Word Completion' and 'Next Word Prediction' works also for words containing the third Danish letter saved in the dictionary while Touch Keyboard was set to abc.

In other words, it is not the letter as such, but the typing of the letter with XT9 activated, that is the problem.

However, I would like to stress that it is completely impossible to work-around the bug by entering all words in all occurrences with the third Danish letter in the dictionary - there are too many and it would make cleaning up the dictionary impossible.

I think I have now narrowed down the error as much as I possibly could, hoping it will be easy for HTC to correct it so that the letter works with word completion - not least since two out three Danish letters are already working well.

Touch Keyboard for Pocket PC Version 1.0 (Build 29567)
Device model: HTC Cruise P3650
O/S: English Windows Mobile 6 Professional CE OS 5.2.1623 (build 18129.0.4.5)
ROM: 1.25.405.1 WWE (date 12/11/07)

I have mailed the findings to HTC, hoping for a speedy answer and patch.

Does anyone have experience with the response/action from HTC when reporting errors?

Am I the only one, who thinks the functionality-mix between the keyboard is confusing?

Has anybody experienced similar problems with national letters?

Last edited by KK**; 02-29-2008 at 02:02 AM.
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