Hey Guys,
Well... FINALLY got my EVO a few days ago!
Been just playing around with it for about 5 days and now I'm ready to root it. Been reading but can't really tell which method to use to root it? I have installed the 3.29.651.5 update and am still totally stock. So...
Do I use this method?
[GUIDE] How to root Android 2.2 on the EVO 4G - xda-developers
Or this one?
**GUIDE**How to root 3.29.651.5 and have fastboot 10/06/2010 - xda-developers
This is my first non-WM phone so go easy on me for being an Android noob! What I would like to do first is simply get this totally stock rom rooted and check it out a bit. Then I'll start in with OMJ's rom and start learning how to tweak stuff.
Thanks guys!