Originally Posted by teradog
I resolved my issue, wasn't having it, but many apparently were... you may have just helped a bunch of people if this wasn't mentioned before... so given a bunch of thanks...
Mine was in manual mode.. not sure but i think I was having issues & hit that... then did the #777 after... (few days ago...)
WHY do you have to do more than putting in manual mode...? From the looks of it... looks like it disables both day & night (look at half auto.. ), so I'm not sure why you'd need the last 2 steps, shutting off data settings in each!?
That's what I assumed until I ran out of ideas and started to play it safe. It looks like the Scheduler ignores the manual setting (on by default) and follows the Day's settings on data management regardless. My phone booted into Sense from a fresh flash and it vibrated as Sense was loading.. that signified a change to the data management scheme and the root problem behind my inability to answer calls. That's just my take on it.
Can anybody confirm this, especially those with fresh 6.5/CHT roms?
Again, have you tried just turning to manual & seeing if the #777 sticks?
It was on Manual with default Day/Night settings yet it was changing the registry entry on Sense start. Frankly, I'm gonna take a little break because I'm a little sick of all these resets and I'm missing a bunch of calls.