Re: <> 10-04-2010 <> Medium Hill ROM's <> 2018 <> Titanium <> Max Sense <> CHT2
The EVO is a good phone, I have rooted and flashed a few. Android is a good OS, but there are some things that are good on WinMo too though. For example Scilor's Groovemobile, only free mobile GrooveShark app I think ( I use it all the time when in the car, I actually have only a few mp3's on my phone now ( mostly for testing purposes ) because of that app ). To be honest though, that's about the only thing that I would really miss. Although I could always wirelessly tether the TP2 to the newer phone, lol. The development community is constantly growing there, which is always a good thing as well. WP7 "could" be really good if done right ( but that's a BIG "if" ). I was leaning towards WP7 until the whole no tethering thing ( although, that "should" be able to be fixed with 3rd party software ( when it gets unlocked/rooted/whatever ). I actually made a ROM that I've been playing with on my other TP2 with that Host GUI from XDA, it's a really great start on a WP7 GUI, and runs really good on only about 8 to 12MB's of RAM on average. Use only the today menu, no sense or titanium, and it runs pretty fast and smooth with lots of RAM left. And yeah, WP7 debuts on the 11th, but no CDMA for six months though. Which is fine by me, I get to sit back and watch how the community evolves before I can get one. I'm also waiting for a good dual proc or more phone with lots of RAM. Anyways, I'm rambling a bit... lol
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