A few status updates:
News on v2.0 final:
Expect it in the week between the 17th and 24th of October.
Right now, I'm in a bit of a time constraint with real life work, but I should be done with that in a week and then start work on v2.0 final after.
The final will be a "no nonsense", bugfixes + unfinished parts only kind of thing, so it should be a straightforward job once I get started.
I've read every post in the thread and written down the reported bugs. I'm happy to see that most bug reports have been detailed, so for about 80% of the reported bugs I already have a pretty good idea what the cause is and how it should be fixed. Thanks for that.
I've also written down the feature requests, but most of those will not be in the final, because, as I said, it will mostly be straightforward bugfixes + unfinished parts release. However, the unfinished parts do include some minor features that didn't make it into the beta or some minor things that could be made more user friendly (based on the feedback I've read).
Thanks and keep up the great feedback.
HVGA (HDmini) port:
A port of CHT 2.0 for HVGA is currently in development by Tumys.
There is no ETA right now, but rest assured HVGA users, Tumys is doing an excellent job on the port.
Draft user manual:
I've uploaded a draft of the CHT v2.0.0 user manual. You can download it from the first post, or this link:
It isn't quite complete yet. So far, I've focused on the new features and possibilities in CHT v2.0.0. I've hopefully also covered some of the common questions that were asked it the thread.
I hope you find it helpful. I will be updating it later with more information about new, but also some older features that aren't yet explained in the draft. If you find your question isn't answered after reading the manual or if you have suggestions about improving the manual in general, please post them here.
Language pack updated:
I have uploaded revision 1 of the language pack to the first post. Download here:
The previous pack (revision 0) didn't include any actual translations. It was just English text for all languages, so you wouldn't be left with ugly "IDS_*" style placeholder text - there wasn't time to make translations before the beta release.
But now I've received the first translations and the language pack R1 includes the following languages:
Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese (Simplified)
Big thanks to the translator who sent those in:
BoneMo, harfot, jolas, jibotella, L_o_k_i, tuniel, Jack_Surfer, daguigto
Addon widget kitchen and dev guide:
I uploaded the addon kitchen to post 6 on the first page:
Along with the kitchen tools you'll find:
1) A CHT addon dev guide - it's a draft right now, I'll expand it based on feedback.
2) Source files for all addon widgets.
The dev guide should help you get started, but basic manila and lua knowledge it needed and not explained in the guide. Hopefully the guide will expanded in the future to include that too.
A few devs have already managed to create their own addons, so I'm hoping this will not be too difficult for others either. You can get more information or post your feedback on widget development either here or in the dedicated dev group:
xda-developers. Contact me over PM for an invite to the dev group - please, only people who are serious about development.