Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/20.2485; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)
Is there something better on Test 7 than the 09-25 build? Just curious if anything was working in that one that isn't anymore
Also, I think I got the keyboard config thing down with a modded rootfs. I'll finish my testing when I get home tonight and upload it along with the latest compile from ACL's changes.
I still haven't gotten the hw3d changes to work, but I'm not giving up. Just went back to WM for the drive today so I could have bluetooth
I commited more stuff last night and possibly more today. So keep your eye on the commit list
Ok as far as autobuilding is concerned. i want to get the scripts from Netripper or Glemsom so we can have a server do all this crap for us. I havent seen em on the boards recently so when i do i will ask. We already have a hosting space so its a matter of just getting the scripts so we dont have to rewrite em.