Originally Posted by MHatter569
I am having difficulty with I am hoping someone can offer some advice on how to correct this. I love Co0kie's Home Tab.
I have a Verizon TouchPro2 running Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.DinikGlass.Cookie.2 .0.Sep.29, I have been running Energy ROMs for months. When I am updating to the next version of the ROM I perform a full system back-up with SPB Backup. Then after the ROM upgrade is completed I run the restore and select the ROM upgrade option.
I have never had any difficulty with this, until yesterday when I went to the newest Energy with, when I restore it places some of the quick launch buttons on the screen in, but not where they are supposed to be.
If I click on the icon it launches the program properly, but I can find no way to delete these links, any ideas?
Thanks in advance...
The ROM version (Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.DinikGlass.Cookie. 2 .0.Sep.29) you are using comes with Version 2.0 of CHT, not It is a beta version with many changes and is why you are not seeing the same quicklinks. You cannot use teh restore feature from 1.8.5 to restore quicklinks to 2.0. You will have to go back to a previous ROM or rebuild your CHT screens to what you want. It is substantially different, however, so you have to spend some time learning it.
Go to this link.