Originally Posted by delfin2003
wait until early next year, we will have dual core android showing up...hopefully with retina displays...but I doubt it
This is not going to happen...the iphone used a weird resolution and to increase compatibility they upped the resolution by exactly 2x..still leaving a weird resolution..either way there is really nothing that impressive about it and its expensive to manufacture...so OLED is the better way to go...
Originally Posted by ymarker
Things I'm waiting for:
the real wait is for dual core chips on the phone which they're currently working on and is most likely to show up soon. How soon is the kicker of course.
There should be one soon but it will not take advantage of the dual cores till Gingerbread.and boils down to whether old apps will take advantage of the dual cores as well..
this really does make a difference in usability. But as we demand our phones do more than just voice calls, we're stretching how much give it has. In the very least I expect phones to last me through the day and into the night until I hit the hay when I can plug it in. Then next morning be ready for action (sort of sounds like a pr0n script doesn't it?)
Lol thats a good one...realistically unless we move beyond 1500mah...there is no way you will get better battery life as people demand more features...like say dual cores?
3) amoled 1080p displays with true color. 2/3 of these are currently available in samsung epic. Only thing missing is 1080p
Do you mean 1080p video or 1080p resolution of the screen? if you mean video then Hummingbird can do 1080p read and write...only thing is its not taking advantage of its true potential atm...if you mean resolution..1080p on a small screen like that is a bit much...
4) Please no more 800x600 rez. Give us more.
we never had 800x600...your thinking of computers...we have 800x480..I guess 720p resolution wouldn't hurt :/
5) optical image stabilization
Thats pushing it...most people want a thin phone...asking for that is bound to make it thicker...
A phone is not meant to be a complete camera replacement...at best you can hope for a good camera...a full camera replacement is pushing it...I mean it would drive camera manufacturers out of business >.>