Originally Posted by natemcnutty
ACL, I'd be happy to maintain this, and rootfs really doesn't change much. From reading through init ( init - eclair-rootfs in XDANDROID Eclair - Gitorious), it looks like I just change lines 430 through 505 to basically replace "if /bin/grep -c 'physkeyboard=fuze' /proc/cmdline >/dev/null" with "if -f /sdcard/rhod500" or and each subsequent model?
I will start packaging the CustomRUU with the NBH and everything else that is needed in a folder named SD Card. With Dropbox, I don't have to worry about space or bandwidth, so it just means people will have to download a slightly bigger file.
As for why the 09-29 changes aren't working for me, I'm looking into that today. Unfortunately, the wife wants me to go shopping with her which could take a while. I'll have some free time while I watch the U of O vs Stanford game in a few hours though 
you got it.. those changes for the rootfs should work just fine. I dont think i can get those committed, the best i can do is convince them to be more nand friendly but its not worth it since Rhod is the only nand device. We may need to just do it ourselves like the hd2 guys.
as for the changes on 9/30. You mean the kernel changes here ?
Commit in linux-msm-rhod-nand in Linux on Qualcomm's MSM - Gitorious
Those changes actually enable 3d. The latest rootfs has the gralloc lib needed for 3d to work, so make sure you have that. Also we decided to have 3d always enabled on all builds (including haret) unless the force_3d=0. So if you think 3d is breaking the startup, mod your cmd line on tinboot for no 3d and it will default back to the old settings.
If that does not work, then i need some dmesgs / logcats. Give it a try.