Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Well, since your device performed a little differently than mine did with the 0925 build, maybe you can see if the latest build works for you. I just updated the first post with a newly compiled NBH (included the zImage for reference) and module files. On my device, it seems like it freezes on the loading screen, but it is doing something because I'll see it flicker every so often. Unfortunately, nothing gets logged to dmesg, so I have no way to figure out exactly what it is doing.
Also, you may want to edit your froyo.conf file on the SD card to reduce the size of compcache to something smaller than 90 as that seemed to help me get a little further into the boot before it froze 
0930 build froze at boot animation same as others. Had plugged in to pc and running adb for logcat dump. Never initialized the driver or USB.
Set compcache to 50, it went about 2 seconds longer. I think
Set to 1.... Blank screen