Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Yup, so same issue as I'm having. I've tried this with several different options. I've tried with force hw3d set to 1 (which is how Wozz had it set). I tried it set to 0 and having it not set at all. None of them worked for me and all froze up at the animation screen.
I have a custom command of "dmesg >> /sdcard/dmesg.txt" in my froyo.conf file, and the last thing it shows is ramzswap size setting which is why I was trying to tweak with that option.
ive already switched back to the 9-25 one..no animation(which i really dont care for)..with out it phone comes one one shot! about 5-10 seconds..kinda like it that way

..ohh!! forgot to add..battery life is great!! as u mentioned b4..once the backlight bein on is figured out..this should be good..i get bout 5-6 hours with it on..imagin with it off

the orange led also..cuz the phone may be in my pocket and it comes on..and i would have a hotpocket!!..lol