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Old 10-01-2010, 04:53 PM
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2500 mah Extended Battery Cover

A tip for the Vogue gang.
I've been using a 2500 mah battery (ebay) for months and it's been great (this battery is often offered for the Dopod S1 and the Elf gsm), BUT, when I installed the extended cover I broke two tabs. One on the cover (no biggy). AND, one on the Vogue itself. This battery is a bit thicker than the 2200 mah batteries we see listed for our phone. It is now being retained by just the single tab in the center (the three at the bottom of the phone/cover fit great). It's been fine all these months, very secure with no movement. I switch back and forth between my 2200 mah batteries and the 2500 w/o a problem.

HOWEVER, if I were to do it over I'd remove the two outboard cover tabs BEFORE I installed it. A Dremel or file would work nicely.
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Last edited by Lowranger; 10-02-2010 at 12:18 AM.