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Old 10-01-2010, 02:46 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Extra space gone side to side quick links working swipe up quick links with wings working

strange means to get their but I don't care its working I am happy

Now to get swiping to other sense tabs working.

works 100% as long as I am NOT on the cookie tab. once I get to the cookie tab I can no longer swipe to other tabs (non cookie tabs)

Youtube Video coming. Youtube is being a royal PITA tonight. failed 3 times uploading for no apparent reason unless the rain is fraking my comcast again (though no problem browsing so far)

I must have tried it 200 times in the last 20 minutes and it worked twice and I can not duplicate whatever I am doing to make it work.

the slightest swipe from any other tab works as expected.

Another oddity. the slider will not auto hide on any tab EXCEPT cookie tab.

Previously it would auto hide on other tabs as well. The cookie setting for auto hide the slider has absolutely zero effect.

I did have to install a cab to get auto hide previously. Could this be conflicting with the built in function now?

BTW want to mention. your patience in answering my questions. Exemplary!

Last edited by nerys; 10-01-2010 at 03:00 AM.
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