Originally Posted by DatBoiDame
Verizon still honors the 3 strikes rule, if u get a phone replaced a certain amount of times within 90 days they have to offer u some type of incentive. Instead of going to the store, call the 1-800 number. All my past phones have been upgraded through this 3 strikes rule
If the store is no help, I may call and try to talk to them again about it. The last time I spoke with tech support about getting a new phone, they were not very helpful and refused to do so, though the person I talked to did pause for a moment and try to come up with a response after I asked her how much VZW was going to spend on shipping just for replacement phones (ignoring hardware costs). If I call again, and tech support is of no help, I'll talk to billing as I'm sure they will do a little more to try and keep a customer.
Anybody else care to offer an opinion as to whether they think it's defective or not? The more opinions I could get on this, the better I'd feel arguing the point.