Originally Posted by Maxx134
Preliminary results on my cab is showing epic fail.
I'm gona narrow this down tonight, I think I overdid the reg edits.
I added more than you suggested and I think it is a bust..
All will be happy to know the reg edits are actually all good and..
The "Kevintm_V2_puff601Regs_AudioPara3_LOUDER.cab" is now THE LOUDEST CAB!!..
I used a microphone and meter to test and it boosted 3 notches higher on my sound meter,
so 3 more than the "iPollesion" cab, which was already loud!
This means this is the best loudest we have so far!
My own cab is a bust as I have to go over which entry inside the Audiopara3 file is giving me a limit..
sweet! im glad i could help out. has anyone tried this out on a tp2 other than sprint? i think alot of people get scared away when they see "sprint". i dont see why it wouldnt work on other carriers

i will try it on my gf's tmobile tp2 later... she has been hounding me for the longest to pimp her phone lol
EDIT: I also noticed a few more entries that i forgot to give to you Maxx. here they are
Basically all i did was search the registry using resco registry. i searched for "volume", "vol", and "Ringer"
Let me know if you find anything else i may have missed