Originally Posted by iknight8
how do install it in my phone? i have a rooted FRESH rom... thanx
use adb:
Adb remount
Adb push bootanimation.zip /system/customize/resource
Adb push spc_animation_final.mp3 /system/customize/resource
adb reboot
Just make sure you put your new bootanimation.zip and rename the mp3 to SPC_animation_final.mp3 in the sdk tools folder
or use pushboot:
Easy way to change your bootscreen *Updated 9/2/10* - xda-developers (pushboot2.bat)
changing the splash screen is cool too. i have this one:
[MOD] White On Black Evo Splash Screen - xda-developers
some other boot animations/ splash screens:
[Collection] Custom Boot Animations and Splash Screens - xda-developers
also a note about fresh... if it doesnt change, you might have to remove android_audio.mp3 and bootanimation.zip from system/media first.